so the clique had intitally wanted to go have nakhon but guess what, they were closed -_- and we were waiting for nics outside cold storage and had her check on lola's at the same time as she is on the way ;; and the queue wasn't super long so we decided to eat there !! omg can I say how much I love their wings TTTT they are so darn good i swear
and because we had nothing to do, we just went nicole's place to hang out and we were all squeezed into her sofa thing in her balcony hahahaha and we played heads up and talked about different stuff !! was the official clique outing of 2015 !! and we were like meeting again the next day for open house omg
and so, leeteuk and onew were in sg the day before and I had actually gone to the airport and was super super on time there (I myself could not believe how that was possible) I had totally no time to even take out my phone to take stuff so I was just going with the crowd hahahaha and i was so surprised at the amount of people who turned up ??? cause there was no airport preview photos from incheon and all was through a single tweet orz
but yep ! I went alone which was pretty loser but hahaha who cares ; apparently kim and shing had gone adventure cove and did not see my message to them
so they were very much willing to go anywhere if there was any leads !!! and while I was at nicole's I looked through insta and apparently leeteuk tweeted a photo palawan beach so I immediately rushed down with kim and shing which was so yolo
but obviously when we reached they werent there anymore
so we went to rws instead and because kim had the annual pass, she went in to get me and shing churros HAHAHA
was warm but totally not crispy which was not pleasant to eat honestly hmmmm
I was super tired but open house the next day with the clique and we spent our day at sp and np !! since they were near and we stayed hella long we didn;t have time for other polys
SP gave out free popcorn and candy floss so me and megan got em and thanks elle for helping me hold my hair and not letting it get sticky by the candy floss ;;
Jie managed to get a flight back to sg so we went for bingsu !! and bing go jung and of course all I wanted was the injeolmi bingsu which had rice cake topped with alot of condensed milk which tastes the best ;;
we then headed to her hotel and scratched off her map cherie bought for her as a christmas present !! could have stayed there if I didn't need to go for dental the next day ;; but oh wellz