It was a very rainy day and it was pouring that everyone had to have an umbrella over their heads and even with the umbrella, you still get pretty drenched.
Mission for today was to the Pokemon Centre (sigh) The amount of times I am visiting something pokemon related and like they sell mostly the same stuff really.
Free WiFi available here so I just took a rest outside the Pokemon Centre instead of walking around inside. Basically just a store selling all the merch with like big figurines for photo taking really,
Decided on this restaurant because we were starving and we have not had the chance to have any tempura in Japan yet!!!
This was like one of the few restaurants at the basement.
Got myself the more regular tempura set. Pretty oily which made it quite jelat. Parents got the tendon kind with a side of soba.
This was some beef tempura that we tried. Nahhh not really that nice tbh.
Rushed over to the Moomin Stand located in Sunshine City too. As I knew I wouldnt have the chance to visit any Moomin related food places already :-(
Drinks were like tea flavoured so didn't get any since I am not a fan of tea. Instead got the moomin shaped pancake hehehe.
One last look at ABC Mart and the grey one is so pretty;; and so much more variety here.
Parents decided to let me go roam by myself because it was raining and it dampened their moods of like shopping and my brothers have already accomplished their mission of going to the Pokemon Centre so all they wanted to do was to go back.
Main part was for me to grab more cheese tarts from Pablo before we leave. But came across Bake Cheese Tart at the train station just as I was walking to the other line and they had already left me.
Queue was fairly long; like around 15 mins wait and this store is located right in the train station. Smell is overwhelming but didn't really like this as compared to Pablo. Pablo is like 100x better!!! The filling tastes the same but the crust is different ! Where Pablo has a crust more similar to like the cheesecake graham cracker crust and Bake one like your typical sucky and floury tart crust. And SG cheese tarts all use that kind of crust which sucks
Ventured to Shin Okubo which is termed the Korea Town of Tokyo. Reason why I went was totally because I want to go Korea too badly so since there is a Korea Town why not.
It was still raining so I had to like constantly open and close my umbrella + hold my cheese tarts which was kind of heavy. SO INCONVI. And Japan has like umbrella stands outside where u can slot your umbrellas before entering the store rather than just the usual plastic covers.
Went into a Korea Mart and they had my honey butter (drools)
And can I say how unique their sampling system is !!! Like the jars are all there and trays and toothpicks are provided for you to try.
Saw loads of the SM X Emart X SUM food items as well
So expensive for the pepero omg.
And was like wow. When I saw how they sell like fansite photobooks as well !!!
Did not manage to see the Exact album on shelves but they had like signs and papers put up with the album info. Once again being shy about not knowing Japanese, I didn't have the courage to ask how much was it.
Finally went to one store which I wanted to actually buy the EXO Sparkling water. Thank god I heard the staff speak in Korean on the phone to her boss. SO I spoke in korean (great job me) and thank god she understood my korean although I think I sort of spoke wrongly.
Really hate how like I cant understand much of Japanese at all.
Went over to some tourist centre just at the start of the road. Directions are along the road as I sort of needed some WiFi to load my map and I saw as I was walking along the road that the tourist centre has free WiFi.
In some locations there is actually free WiFi along the whole area if you go ask for the password from the tourist centre. But for harajuku its only at the tourist centre. Talked abit with the staff there and she told me she is from Malaysia after hearing the very obvious Singapore accent >_<
Finally found a Daiso and its like 3 levels high! Loads of stuff even like materials to make those typical fans for idols that Japanese fans always use !!!
Bought like super alot of things and you have to like pack everything yourself at the side. But they do give you the bags for it.
Since I was alone, I was like struggling with all my buys that I decided to just spend some money to get a locker just opposite Daiso to dump everything there.
Super aesthetic clothing !!! That isn't really my style but is super cute !!! But expensive as well :-))))
Like these caps were like easily more than 1000 yen which is like more than SGD$13 omg. I can get a similar cap on Taobao for like max $5 really.
Was still raining and I still have yet to try any crepes in Japan so decided to get one ! Got one from some random store along the street. Got the strawberry and whip cream one. The crepe is those soft and fluffy kind and not those crispy type.
But the cream was really yummy and the strawberries were really sweet !!! Super sad part was everyone was like either with their friends or boyfriends and I was there standing in the shelter from the rain alone :-) so happy.
Walked to the end of the street and found the Line Store (OMG) Cant believe I didnt manage to visit the one in Seoul before -___-
Super aesthetic !!!! And they have the giant sized brown omg so cuuuute !!! Problem was idk who to ask to help me take a photo. This are times I feel super introvert really. Waited around and managed to build the courage to ask this couple after they took their photo to help me take mine !! And they speak english so thank god
The umbrella damn ugly zzzzz
Walked myself to Pablo which is in a small little alley !! Followed Google Maps for my way there and it was sort of ulu.
Its a cafe which I would have loved to have my cheese tart with ice cream !! But it was gonna look so sad of me to eat alone and I was still very much full from my crepe so I just dabaoed. Regret getting the giant cheese tart instead of getting more mini ones.
The giant one has crust which sucks like really sucks. I hate it so much. and there is this top layer of like sugar syrup which is flavoured and not nice.
Of course I had to take some photos in Japan's photobooths! These are like located underground and a little shady ah but I saw girls going in so why not.
Everyone was taking with their friends while I took it alone. I feel great :-)
WEGO has really cute clothes !!! and many outlets along harajuku so do check it out if you do visit !!!
Best story was okay. I went to take my stuff from the locker and begin my journey of carrying loads of stuff. It was starting to become dark and dinner time is near so like I was planning to like visit Dominique Ansel for dessert after Shake Shack for Dinner but Dominique was near harajuku (actually super near Cafe Kaila) so I decided to walk over there and to the other train stop since like I would not need to change train and all and guess what :-))))) after walking like at least 1km with like a at least 8KG load, it was closed. Like it closes at 7pm I think !!! My smores T___T but the place is super ulu and I was alone so it was like abit scary but they were filming something in Dominique when I went !!!
My arms died by the time I reached the next train stop and like great workout :-) since I didn't get to eat my smores also.
Super lost in finding Shake Shack as well !!!
LONG STORY AHEAD: Loaded my map using the wifi in the train station but then it sort of like hanged and after trying to zoom in, it totally like dissappeared so I had to reload it which means walking back to the train station. So shake shack is located near some grass patch or something as seen in the maps and like I couldn't find anything that looked like that as I exited out of the train station. Walked towards my right the first time I exited and I couldn't see any grass patch so I was slightly dubious and dont forget I was carrying all my buys for the day and it was super heavy ;; and I had to like hold it high because of my umbrella too T___T checked the map at the train station to make sure and loaded my google maps again and like when I exited I was very sure from the train map it was on my right... But looking at my google maps, i was walking towards the wrong side;; DAMNNNN and so I had to like walk back again pass the train station to the other side. and boy was the walk far ;; If you know me in real life I need to sit down constantly because my legs get tired really easily and it was not an easy feat for me to walk such long distances and carrying that much weight. Had like walked pass this place until I saw the Shake Shack sign so I had to walk back omg super fail really.

Made it to Shake Shack around 9+ and my phone was on the verge of dying already ; They have free WiFi so bless ;;
Was like broke so I just got a burger with fries and a coke to go along. Why dont they have like set meals ;; Would have wanted to get a frozen custard but broke af already.
Reason why I wanted to visit Shake Shack although it isn't Japanese food would be that I most probably wont be visiting the states anytime soon so I won't have the chance to try it out.
The beef patty was really good omg super juicy !!! And the fries were damn good. Kinda regret not getting a cheese fries. The ambience was really nice but I was all alone once again ;;
Died while taking the train because I was carrying so much crap and I had to like change stops and at some point in time it got really crowded and crammed I was so conscious of all my stuff .
Bought this zaku zaku to try out because I always saw it on Insta. They sold ice creams too ! But I was too full to eat it and it was raining and I was carrying too many things to eat ice cream. But it was so damn good. Its like cream puff with this nut coating which is damn good. I think the ice cream is like milk ice cream and the nut coating thing. Damn kinda regret not getting it.
The moomin pancake was just like a doriyaki with cream so it was fine. Bought it more for the aesthetics really.
Tokyo Day One: Delta Flight, Tokyo Station - Standing Sushi Bar, Calbee+, Ginza
Tokyo Day Two: Disneyland
Tokyo Day Three: DisneySea, Gyu Katsu Motomura
Tokyo Day Four: Gotemba Premium Outlet, Mount Fuji (Fail)
Tokyo Day Five: Tsukiji Fish Market, Sensoji Temple, Asakusa, Tokyo Sky Tree, Akihabara - Pablo Mini
Tokyo Day Six: Shibuya - Tower Records, Ichiran, Harajuku - Cafe Kaila
Tokyo Day Seven: Pokemon Centre, Moomin Stand Ikebukuro - Bake Cheese Tart Shin-Okubo (Korea Town), Harajuku - Line, Pablo, Shake Shack
Tokyo Day Eight: Gyu Katsu, Narita Airport, Delta Airlines